About Me

Let me introduce myself first! I am Sudipta Mondal, currently pursuing B-Tech from the University of Engineering and Management in CSE. I have a keen interest in Softwere Development. ...

I know some of the popular web development technologies including HTML, CSS, Js, React-js. I have worked on those, and I continuously upskilled myself by building projects on those. I have also done some Machine Learning Project, like Movie Recommendation System. Apart from that, I am very familiar with programming languages like C and Java. I have also built a practical desktop application – “Banking System” using Java only. I also know SQL on which I am currently working more to enrich my knowledge about the modern industry.

I believe that I can be suitable for the roles which will match my interest and knowledge. I can adopt the new technologies very quickly which will help me to cope-up with the ongoing tech-industry. I love working with a team and am ready to learn from others. I love taking opinions which will be beneficial for my skills and personal development. I love working together, because only together we can achieve a great outcome!



Year - 2024

University - University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata

Current CGPA - 8.74

High Secondary

Year - 2020

School - Bishnupur Sir Ramesh Institution

Parcentage - 65.66%


Year - 2018

School - Laban Hrad Vhidyapith

Parcentage - 62.3%


Progranimg Skills

Java (90%)
C Programming (80%)
SQL (85%)

Web development Skills

HTML & CSS (85%)
Java Script (80%)
React (70%)

Others Skills

Opps (95%)
Data Structures (80%)
DBMS (90%)

My Work

Pocket Storage

Pocket Storage enables seamless note-taking, image storage, and document management in a secure and convenient platform, built using MERN Stack technology.

Motion Art Effect Clone

Develop a fully responsive Motion Art Effect website clone using React, ensuring dynamic animations and an engaging user experience across all devices.

Currency Converter

currency converter is a tool that allows individuals to convert the value of one currency into another.

Tic Tac Toe Game

It's a Tic tac toe game. I have built this using HTML, CSS and Javascript

Banking System

It's a Desktop based application. Here I have used Java, Swing, AWT, MySQL, etc. Here user can create their bank account, and they can use it like an ATM.

Bloging Website

It's a Full-Stack Blog Website using React js, Node js, Mysql. Here users can read others blog, and also create their own blog, and manage those blogs.


It's a Machine Learning Project. In this Website when user enterd any movie name, website will recommend 5 similer movies.

Institutional Website

It's a Institutional Website for a Institutio. Here I have used HTML, CSS, Js, etc.(Only the Front-End part completed yet, Backend is under construction.)

Todo List

It's a ToDo Web Page. Here I have used HTML, CSS, Js to create this. Here user can create, and manage their daily todos.


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Contact Me


Address : Rajarhat, KajialPara,
Kolkata - 700135, West Bengal, India